Welcome to Aquatic Ecology
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東北大学 大学院生命科学研究科 生態発生適応科学 マクロ生態分野 理学部生物学科
Tohoku University, Graduate School of Life Sciences, Department of Ecological Developmental Adaptability Life Sciences, Department of Biology

生命科学研究科    東北大学


湖沼や河川、沿岸の生態系を対象に、個体群の遺伝構造や生物間相互作用、食物網動態や物質循環に関する研究を行っています。人間活動に伴う地球規模での環境変化が懸念されている現在、多様な生物種からなる生物群集の成立機構を解明し環境改変 に伴う生態系の応答予測を行うことが緊急課題として生態学に求められています。生態系は種々の生物(役者)と物理化学環境(舞台装置)の共進化であるとす れば、生態系の応答予測を行うためには生物の生きる論理(適応度)と物質的制約(化学量)についての理解が不可欠です。物質流は生物の栄養要求と種間相互 作用により駆動され、駆動する物質流が生物群集を成立させています。このような物質流と生物の相互作用を解き明かすことで、環境変化に対する生物群集や生態系の応答を理解し予測することを目指して研究をすすめています

I started my research career by examining the population dynamics of zooplankton in lakes and reservoirs. Immediately, my interests have been extended to issues on communities and ecosystem processes in aquatic habitats. This was because, when I was a fledgling, my favorite organism, Mijinko (微塵子 or water flea) provided me a chance to know how organisms within and between trophic levels have to interact with each other to live there. My research includes topics on species interactions such as predation and competition of zooplankton, production and decomposition processes, and material flows and cyclings. These studies involve experimental and field studies from beakers to large lakes at various scales. In my works, I have demonstrated that elemental (C:N:P) imbalance between resources and consumers is one of the key factors in regulating not only community structures but also production and nutrient cycling efficiencies. I have extended this Ecological Stoichiometry approach to examining how external factors (climatic variations, anthropological impacts, etc.) interact with internal factors (trophic relationships) in sustaining and altering the properties of aquatic ecosystems. It is my great pleasure if my works play a role in conserving biodiversity and ecological services in lakes and rivers in Japan and elsewhere in the world.

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