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Under review
•Urabe, J., I. Wakana, H. Ohtsuki, M. K. Sakata, Y. Ohtake, R. Ichige, M. Kuwae, T. Minamoto. Reconstruction of marimo population dynamics over 200 years using molecular markers and fossil plankton remains.
• Kawamoto, Y. J. Urabe. The microbial community colonizing fish carcasses is site-specific but not geographically common.
• Suzuki, H., Y. Miyamoto, S. Takahashi, J. Urabe. Are brackish water copepods susceptible to neonicotinoid pesticides? An experimental assessment across different salinity levels.
•占部城太郎 (2025) 「ネーチャーポジティブとは何か」用水と廃水 67: 1
•Suzuki, H., H. Ichiyanagi, J. Kass, J. Urabe. (2025) Differences in factors determining taxon-based and trait-based community structures: a field test using zooplankton. Limnology and Oceanography, 70:113-127. doi.org/10.1002/lno.12744
• Perera, I. U. N. Maruoka, X. Tian, W. Makino, J. Urabe. (2025) Relationship between the realized niche overlap and phylogenetic distance of rotifer species revealed by the long-term temporal dynamics in a small mountain lake. Limnology,26: 211-222. doi.org/10.1007/s10201-024-00771-8
•Otake, Y., M. Kurokawa, N. Maruoka, M. Nakagawa, W. Makino, J. Urabe. (2004) Taxonomic re-evaluation of the Brachionus calyciflorus species complex (Rotifera) in Japanese freshwaters. Limnology.
•Ohtake Y.,, A. Osone, W. Makino1, K. Ito, T. Aoki, K. Miura,Y. Hayakawa, R.Yoshida, S. Ichise1 A. Tuji, J. Urabe. (2024) High-resolution Microscopic Image Dataset of Freshwater Plankton in Japanese Lakes and Reservoirs (FREPJ): I. Zooplankton. Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Ser. B, 50(4), pp. 1–6.
•占部城太郎(2024) ネーチャーポジティブと河川管理. 河川 938: 45-49.
•Ho, P-C., S. Nakajima, J. Urabe. (2004) Species-specific effects of leaf litter leachate on the aquatic microbial community and the ratio of heterotrophic to autotrophic biomass. Freshwater Biology, 69: 1727-1737
•Ho, P-C., S. Nakajima, J. Urabe. (2024) Species-specific stoichiometric effects of leaf litter on algal growth, production, and cell quotas. Ecological Research.
•Yuhara, T., H. Ohtsuki, S. Hirota, Y. Suyama, J. Urabe. (2024)Population genetic structure of three semi-terrestrial brachyuran crabs on the coast of the Japanese archipelago. Ecology and Evolution 14: e11484.
• Suzuki, H., W. Makino, S.Takahashi, J. Urabe. (2024) Assessment of toxic effects of imidacloprid on freshwater zooplankton: an experimental test for 27 species. Science of the Total Environment, 927: 172378. [東北大プレスリリース]
• Maruoka, N., K. Yamaki, W. Makino, J. Urabe. (2024) To lose is to win: long-term co-occurrence of two asexual populations realized by a dormant strategy of the inferior competitor. Functional Ecology, 38:1121-1133. doi/10.1111/1365-2435.14551. [解説][東北大プレスリリース][サイエンスポータル]
•金谷弦,伊藤萌,木村妙子,青木美鈴,柚原剛,多留聖典,海上智央,横岡博之,坂田直彦,古賀庸憲,桝本輝樹,森敬介,鈴木孝男,占部城太郎,横山耕作 (2023) 三陸から八代海までの27干潟で実施された市民調査データに基づく干潟ベントス群集構造の空間変動解析. 日本ベントス学会誌, 78: 61-72. https://doi.org/10.5179/benthos.78.61
• Tian, X., L. Diao, X. Zhang, W. Feng, J. Urabe. (2023) Ontogenetic changes in digestive enzyme activities of a common water flea. Journal of Zoology, 321: 188-195. doi.org/10.1111/jzo.13108.
• Tian, X., M. Toyota, H. Ohtsuki, J. Urabe. (2023) Lineage-specific trait variations and plasticity of obligate parthenogenetic animals following the expansion of distribution range to a continental archipelago. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 62: 775-784. doi: 10.1111/jse.13015.
•Ho. P.-C., S. Nakajima, J. Urabe. (2023)n Stoichiometry of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus released from the leaf litter of various temperate tree species. Ecology and Evolution, 13, e10372. doi.org/10.1002/ece3.10372
・Kawamoto, Y., J. Urabe. (2023) Geographical variation of bacterial and ciliophoran communities in tidal flats in a continental archipelago. Journal of General and Applied Microbiology, Article ID: 2023.07.002. https://doi.org/10.2323/jgam.2023.07.002
• Maruoka, N., T. Makino, J. Urabe. (2023) RNA-seq analysis to identify genes related to resting egg production of panarctic Daphnia pulex. BMC Genomics 24, Article number: 262
• 占部城太郎・丸岡奈津美・榎本めぐみ・髙野(竹中)宏平・一柳英隆・小黒芳生・石郷岡康史・中静透. (2023) ダム湖におけるChlorophyll-a量への温暖化影響:経験モデルによる解析 (Warming and chlorophyll-a abundance in reservoirs: an empirical analysis using a latitudinal gradient in Japan). 日本陸水学会誌, 84 : 187 – 201. https://doi.org/10.3739/rikusui.84.187
・Wakana, Y. Kadono, J. Urabe, Y. Tamura, Y. Suzuki, H. Yamada, Y.Oyama, K. Wada, T.Hasegawa, M. Ohara. (2023) Varying stages of ecological succession in lakes subdivided by volcanic eruptions at Akan Caldera, Japan. Hydrobiologia, 850: 3919–3933. doi.org/10.1007/s10750-023-05231-5 (ニュースリリース:釧路市)[釧路新聞](ニュースリリース: 生命科学)
・Ichige, R., J. Urabe. (2023) Divergence of the host-associated microbiota with the genetic distance of host individuals within a parthenogenetic Daphnia species. Microbial Ecology, 86: 2097–2108 doi.org/10.1007/s00248-023-02219-5
・Makino, W., H. Suzuki, Y. Ohtake, S. Ban, J. Urabe (2023) The first report of the non-indigenous Chydorus brevilabris Frey, 1980 (Crustacea: Cladocera) in Asian freshwaters. Limnology, 24: 151–159 doi.org/10.1007/s10201-023-00719-4
・Yuhara*, T., O. Hajime, J.Urabe (2023) A simple method for species identification of the ghost crabs using PCR-RFLP. Plankton and Benthos, 18:106-109. https://doi.org/10.3800/pbr.18.106
• 鷲田なぎさ・佐藤高広・鈴木碩通・占部城太郎 (2023) . UAV(ドローン)を用いた調査より明らかとなった仙台海岸における漂着物の時空間動態について (Temporal and spatial variations of stranded debris on the sandy beaches of Sendai Bay revealed by a monitoring method with a UAV). 応用生態工学会誌 25: 129-140. https://doi.org/10.3825/ece.22-00018 [解説][東北大プレスリリース][河北新報]
• 塩澤直人, 柚原剛, 由水千景, 冨樫博幸, 陀安一郎, 占部城太郎 (2023) 砂浜生態系における栄養基盤としての海起源と陸起源有機物の相対的重要性 (Relative importance of marine and terrestrial organic matter in the trophic base of sandy beach communities revealed by a triple stable isotope approach). 応用生態工学会誌 25: 115-128. https://doi.org/10.3825/ece.22-00018 [解説][東北大プレスリリース][河北新報]
• Yuhara T., T. Suzuki, T. Nishita, J. Murakami, W. Makino, G. Kanaya, K. Kinoshita, N. Yasuno, T. Uchino J. Urabe* (2022) Recovery of macrobenthic communities in tidal flats following the Great East Japan Earthquake. Limnology and Oceanography Letters, doi.org/10.1002/lol2.10292 (Data set), [解説] (ニュースリリース), [東京新聞], [河北新報], [JST サイエンスポータル], [テレ朝news], [National Geographic news]
• Hirama, F., J. Urabe*, H. Doi, T. Kazama, T. Noguchi, T. H. Tappenbeck, I. Katano, M. Yamamichi, T. Yoshida, J. Elser (2022) Terrigenous subsidies in lakes support zooplankton production mainly via a green food chain and not the brown food chain. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution doi: 10.3389/fevo.2022.956819 [解説]
• Tian, X., H. Ohtsuki, J. Urabe* (2022) Competitive consequences determined by phenotypic but not genetic distance: a study with asexual water flea genotypes. Functional Ecology, 36: 2152-2162. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2435.14105 [解説]
• Ohtake, Y., H. Innan, H. Ohtsuki, J. Urabe, K. Yamada, T. Yoshida (2022) Population genetic dynamics during colonization and establishment of an obligate parthenogenetic Daphnia pulex population in a small lake of a continental archipelago. Freshwater Biology, 67: 1428-1438. https://doi.org/10.1111/fwb.13951
•Ohtsuki, H., H. Norimatsu, T. Makino, J. Urabe*. (2022) Invasions of an obligate asexual daphnid species support the nearly neutral theory. Scientific Reports, 12: Article number: 7305. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-11218-4 [supporting information] [解説]
•Meyfroidt, P., et al. (2022) Ten facts about land systems for sustainability. Proceedings of National Academy of Science, USA, 119 No. 7 e2109217118
•Urabe, J. (2021) Ecological responses to the direct and indirect disturbances by the Great East Japan Earthquake, 2011. Ecological Research. 36: 932-934. (Editorial preface of the virtual issue)
•Sioud. I., W. Makino, J. Urabe (2021) Comparative phylogeography of Cyclops vicinus Uljanin, 1875 and C. kikuchii Smirnov, 1932 in a continental archipelago with implications for differences in their ecological characteristic. Journal of Plankton Research,43: 974–985. [解説]
•Yamada, S., J. Urabe. (2021) The death feigning behaviors increase the survival rate of littoral cladocerans under predation by odonate larvae. Freshwater Biology, 66: 2030-2037. [Movie] [東北大プレスリーリース] [河北新報] [ナゾロジー解説] [産経新聞] [Sankeibiz] [解説]
•Kawamoto, Y., H. Kato, Y. Nagata, J. Urabe. (2021) Microbial communities on fish carcasses in a tidal flat. PLoS ONE 16(2): e0247220. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0247220 [解説]
•Otake, Y, H. Ohtsuki, J. Urabe, K. Yamada & T. Yoshida (2021) Long-term changes in morphological traits of Daphnia pulex in Lake Fukami-ike, Japan. Limnology, 22: pages 329–336. doi.org/10.1007/s10201-021-00659-x
Sioud, I., Makino, W. & Urabe, J. (2021) Differential intraspecific genetic variations of the closely related, wide-ranged freshwater copepods Cyclops vicinus Uljanin, 1875 and C. kikuchiiSmirnov, 1932. Limnology 22, 209–219. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10201-020-00647-7 [解説]
• Kazama, T., J.Urabe*, M. Yamamichi, K. Tokita, X. Yin, I. Katano, H. Doi, T. Yoshida, N. G. Hairston Jr. (2021) A unified framework for herbivore-to-producer biomass ratio reveals the relative influence of four ecological factors. Communications Biology, 4: 49. https://doi.org/10.1038/s42003-020-01587-9 [解説]
• Yamada, S., J. Urabe. (2021) Roles of sediments in determining the vulnerabilities of three littoral cladoceran species to odonate larvae predation. Inland Water, 11 (2): 154-161. doi/full/10.1080/20442041.2020.1837588. [解説]
• Zhang X., H. Ohtsuki, W. Makino, Y. Kato, H. Watanabe, J. Urabe* (2020) Variations in effects of ectosymbiotic microbes on the growth rates among different species and genotypes of Daphnia fed different algal diets. Ecological Research, 36: 303-312. https://doi.org/10.1111/1440-1703.12194
・Otake, Y., H. Ohtsuki, T. Yoshida, J. Urabe, S. Kimura, K. Yamada. (2020) Long-term dynamics of cladoceran community from an early stage of lake formation in Lake Fukami-ike, Japan. Ecology and Evolution, 10.1002/ece3.7112. [解説]
• Perera , U. I., N. Mruoka, W. Makino and J. Urabe. (2020) Temporal -diversity of zooplankton: Relative importance of temporal and classification scales. Limnology, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10201-020-00637-9 [解説]
•Maruoka, N., J. Urabe. (2020) Inter and intraspecific competitive abilities and the distribution ranges of two Daphnia species in Eurasian continental islands. Population Ecology, 62: 353-363. [解説]
•Liu, X. , S. Ban. , D. Beyrend., G. Dur., M. Kuwae, W. Makino, J. Urabe. (2020) Resting egg bank of the perennial copepod Eodiaptomus japonicus in Lake Biwa (Japan). Inland Water 10:1, 89-100.
Huang, Y., X. Mei, L. G. Rudstam, W. D. Taylor, J. Urabe, E. Jeppesen, Z. Liu, X. Zhang (2020) Effects of Crucian Carp (Carassius auratus) on Water Quality in Aquatic Ecosystems: An Experimental Mesocosm Study. Water, 12: 1444. doi:10.3390/w12051444
• Yuhara T, H. Ozaki, T. Suzuki, J. Urabe. (2019) Factors shaping the macrobenthic animal assemblages in a newly formed tidal flat by the Great East Japan Earthquake. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 229: 106382.
•Wye Lup, K., T. Miki, Y-Y. Lin, W. Makino, J. Urabe, S-H. Gu, R. Machida. (2019) Nuclear and mitochondrial ribosomal ratio as an index of animal growth rate. Limnology and Oceanography Methods, 17: 575-584.
•Yamamoto Y. Makino W, J. Urabe. (2019) The role of DNA barcoding in the era of DNA metabarcoding: an example in Holopedium (Crustacea: Cladocera). Limnology, 21: 97- 106.
• Evans-White1, M. A, Z. G. Cardon, J. A. Schweitzer, J. Urabe and J. J. Elser (2019) Emerging Frontiers in Ecological Stoichiometry. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 7: 463.
• Tian X., H. Ohtsuki, J. Urabe (2019). Evolution of asexual Daphnia pulex in Japan: variations and covariations of the digestive, morphological and life history traits. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 19: 122.
• Gurung, A., T. Iwata, D. Nakano, J. Urabe (2019) River Metabolism along a Latitudinal Gradient across Japan and in a global scale. Scientific Reports 9, Article number: 4932
•Yamada, S., R. Tsujino, Y. Takemon, J. Urabe. (2019) The role of spatial and temporal variations in habitat uses and food habits of larvae in persistent occurrence of multiple odonate species in Mizorogaike Pond, Kyoto, Japan. Limnology 20:181- 190.
•Maruoka, N., Ohtsuki, H., Makino, W., J. Urabe*. (2018) Rediscovery after almost 120 years: morphological and genetic evidence supporting the validity of Daphnia mitsukuri (Crustacea: Cladocera). Zoological Science 36:468- 475. [ Eary view: ZS-O-2017-0081.inpress.pdf ][プレスリリース(東北大学)] [ 朝日新聞] [大学ジャーナル][日本動物学会の論文賞を受賞しました] [解説]
•Yamamichi, M., T. Kazama, K. Tokita, I. Katano, H. Doi, T. Yoshida, N Hairstorn Jr., J. Urabe. (2018) A shady phytoplankton paradox: When phytoplankton increases under low light. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 285 20181067 [ プレスリリース(東北大)(JST_サイエンスポータル)] [産経新聞 クローズアップ科学][なぜか韓国のKBSニュースで取り上げられました(+主筆山道さんのインタビュー)] [解説]
•Urabe ,J., Shimizu, Y., Yamaguchi, T. (2018) Understanding the stoichiometric limitation of herbivore growth: the importance of feeding and assimilation flexibilities. Ecology Letters, 21:197-206. [ プレスリリース(東北大)]
•Makino W., O. Miura, F. Kaiser, M. Geffray, T. Katsube, J. Urabe. (2018) Revealing the introduction histories of the Hemigrapsus takanoi (Decapoda: Brachyura: Varunidae) population currently expanding along the European coast. Biological Invasion, 20:825-842.
•Makino, W., A. Tanabe, J. Urabe. (2018) Distribution of freshwater calanoid copepods in Japan in the early decades of the 21st Century: implications for the assessment and conservation of biodiversity. Limnology and Oceanography, 63:758-772.
•Anderson, T., D. O. Hessen, M. Boersma, J. Urabe, D. J. Mayor. (2017) Will invertebrates require increasingly carbon rich food in a warming world? The American Naturalist, 190: 725-742.
•Chen, I-Ching., Chih-hao Hsieh, Michio Kondoh, Hsing-Juh Lin, Takeshi Miki, Masahiro Nakamura, Takayuki Ohgushi, Jotaro Urabe, Takehito Yoshida. (2017) Filling the gaps in ecological studies of socio-ecological systems. Ecological Research, 32: 873-885. [Synthetic paper of key note lectures in 5th Japan-Taiwan Ecology Workshop; Cover paper of the special features]
•Miura, O., G. Kanaya, S. Nakai, H. Itoh., S. Chiba, W. Makino, T. Nishimura, S. Kojima and J. Urabe (2017) Ecological and genetic impact of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Tsunami on intertidal mud snails. Scientific Reports,7, Article number: 44375. [プレスリリース(高知大) (東北大)]
•Hyodo, F., M. Kuwae, N. Sasaki, R. Hayashi, W .Makino, S. Kusaka, N. Tsugeki-Kuwae, S. Ishida, H Ohtsuki, K. Omoto and J. Urabe. (2017) Variations in lignin-derived phenols in sediments of Japanese lakes over the last century and their relation to watershed vegetation. Organic Geochemistry, 103:125-135.
•Miura, A., J. Urabe. (2017) Changes in epilithic fungal communities under different light conditions in a river: a field experimental study. Limnology and Oceanography, 62: 579-591.
•Iwabuchi, T., H. Togachi, S. Okubo, Y. Tsuchiyama, H. Yamaguchi, J. Hidema, J. Urabe. (2017) pH as a key factor defining the niche space of the alpine crustacean species Daphnia tanakai. Limnology and Oceanography, 62: 189-199.
•Nishita, T., W. Makino, T. Suzuki and Jotaro Urabe. (2016) Ecological responses of macrobenthic communities in tidal flats to disturbances by the Great East Japan Earthquake. In J. Urabe and T. Nakashizuka (eds), Ecological Impacts of Tsunamis on Coastal Ecosystems: Lessons from the Great East Japan Earthquake, pp 151-164, Springer.
•Ohtsuki, H., T. Suzuki, K. Kinoshita, G. Kanaya, T. Hirama, S. Sato, K. Shibata, K. Okoshi and J. Urabe. (2016) Genetic structures of Euspira fortunei metapopulations along the northeast coast of Japan after the tsunamis caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake, In J. Urabe and T. Nakashizuka (eds), Ecological Impacts of Tsunamis on Coastal Ecosystems: Lessons from the Great East Japan Earthquake, pp 209-222, Springer.
•Fujiwara, U., T. Iwata, J. Urabe, S. Takeda. (2016) Life history trait of symbiont flatworm Stylochoplana pusilla dwelling host snail and habitat condition. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 96:667-672.
• Iwata,T., N. Mochizuki, T. Suzuki, Ay. Kohzu, H. Kojima, M. Fukui, and J. Urabe (2016) Roles of Terrestrial Carbon Subsidies to Aquatic Community Metabolism in Mountain Lake Ecosystems. In G. Kudo (ed), Structure and Function of Mountain Ecosystems in Japan: Biodiversity and Vulnerability to Climate Change, pp 115-144, Springer
•Lewandowska, A. M, A. Biermann., El. T. Borer., M. A. Cebri.n-Piqueras, S. A. J. Declerck., L. De Meester., E.Van Donk, L. Gamfeldt, D. S. Gruner., N.Hagenah, W. . Harpole ,K. P. Kirkman, C. A. Klausmeier, M. Kleyer, J. M. H. Knops, P. Lemmens, E. M. Lind, E. Litchman, J. Mantilla-Contreras, K.Martens, S. Meier, V. Minden, J. L. Moore1, H. Olde Venterink, E. W. Seabloom, U. Sommer, M. Striebel, A. Trenkamp, J. Trinogga, J. Urabe, W.Vyverman, D. B. Van de Waal, C. E. Widdicombe and H. Hillebrand. (2016) The influence of balanced and imbalanced resource supply on biodiversity-functioning relationship across ecosystems. Philosophical Transactions B 2016 371 20150283; DOI: 10.1098/rstb.2015.0283.
•Kazama, T., J. Urabe. (2015)Relative importance of physical and biological factors regulating tintinnid populations: a field study with frequent samplings in Sendai Bay, Japan. Marine and Freshwater Research, 67:492-504. DOI: 10.1071/MF14256
•Lakatos, C.,. Urabe., W. Makino. (2015) Cryptic diversity of Japanese Diaphanosoma (Crustacea: Cladocera) revealed by morphological and molecular assessments. Inland Waters 5:253-262. DOI: 10.5268/IW-5.3.847
•So, M., H. Ohtsuki, W. Makino, S. Ishida, H. Kumagai, K. G. Yamaki, J. Urabe. (2015) Invasion and molecular evolution of Daphnia pulex in Japan. Limnology and Oceanography 60: 1129-1138. DOI: 10.1002/lno.10087 [プレスリリース(東北大)][解説]
•Ohtsuki, H., T. Awano, N. K. Tsugeki, S. Ishida, H. Oda, W. Makino, J. Urabe. (2015) Historical changes in the plankton community of a small mountain lake over the past 60 years as revealed by Daphnia ephippial carapaces stored in lake sediments. PLos One: DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0119767
•Makino, W., K. Kan, M. Sato, F. Kaiser, T. Katsube, T. Suzuki, J. Urabe. (2015) Availability of the size of dark spots on the body surface as a diagnostic characteristic distinguishing morphologically similar two Hemigrapsus species (Decapoda: Brachyura: Varunidae). Plankton and Benthos Research, 10:45-54.
•Miura, A. and J. Urabe. (2015) Riparian land cover and land use effects on riverine epilithic fungal communities. Freshwater Biology, 60:673-685.
•Mukai, Y., T. Suzuki, W. Makino, T. Iwabuchi, M. So and J. Urabe. (2014) Ecological impacts of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Tsunami on aquatic animals in rice paddies. Limnology, 15: 201-211. (The Best Paper Award of the Japanese Society of Limnology 2015)
•Fujiwara, Y., J. Urabe, S. Takeda. (2014) Host preference of a symbiotic flatworm in relation to the ecology of littoral snails. Marine Biology, 161:1873-1882
•Tsugeki, K. N., J. Urabe. (2014) An experimental test of the ability of Daphnia galeata to produce resting eggs in Lake Biwa, Journal of Limnology, 73(1)569.
•Miura,O., W. Makino, J. Urabe. (2014) Characterization and cross-species utility of polymorphic microsatellite markers in the Asian mud snails Batillaria attramentaria and B. multiformis. Conservation Genetics Resources, 6: 461-463.
•Hessen, D. O., J. E. Elser, R. W. Sterner and J. Urabe. (2013) Ecological stoichiometry: An elementary approach using basic principles. Limnology and Oceanography, 58:2219-2236.
•Tomimatsu, H., T. Sasaki, H. Kurokawa, J.R. Bridle, C. Fontaine, J. Kitano, D.B. Stouffer, M. Vellend, T. M. Beemer, T. Fukami, E. A. Hadly, M.G.A van der Heijden, M. Kawata, S. Kefi, N. J.B.Kraft, K. M. McCann, P. J. Mumby, T. Nakashizuka, O. L. Petchey, T. N. ROmanuk, K. N. Suding, G. Takimoto, J. Urabe and S. Yachi. (2013) Sustaining ecosystem functions in a changing world: a call for an integrated approach. Journal of Applied Ecology, 50:1124-1130. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.12116
•Iwata, T., J. Urabe, T. Suzuki, Hi. Togashi, N. Koiwa, H. Shibata. (2013) Fluvial transport of carbon along the river-to-ocean continuum and its potential impacts on a brackish water food web in the Iwaki River watershed, northern Japan. Ecological Research, 28:703-716.
•Makino, W., H. Ohtsuki, J. Urabe. (2013) Finding copepod footprints: DNA barcoding for the diapausing eggs in lake sediments. Limnology, 14:269-282.
•Urabe, J., T. Suzuki, T. Nishita, W. Makino. (2013) Immediate ecological impacts of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake tsunami on intertidal flat communities. PLoS ONE 8(5): e62779. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0062779.
•Tsugeki , K. Narumi and Jotaro Urabe. (2013) Eutrophication, Warming and Historical Changes of the Plankton Community in Lake Biwa during the Twentieth Century. In C. Goldman, M. Kumagai and R. Robarts (eds), Climate Change and Inland Waters: Impacts and Mitigation for Ecosystems and Societies, pp 111-130, Wiley-Blackwell
•Kuwae,M., N. K. Tsugeki, T. Agusa, K. Toyoda, T, Yukinori, S. Ueda, S. Tanabe, J. Urabe. (2013) Sedimentary records of metal depositions in Japanese alpine lakes for the last 250 years: Recent enrichments of airborne Sb and In in East Asia. Science of the Total Environment, 442:189–197 [プレスリリース(東北大)SJNニュース]
•Tsugeki, K.N., T. Agusa, S. Ueda, M. Kuwae, H Oda, S. Tanabe, Y. Tani, K. Toyoda, W. Wang and J. Urabe. (2012) Eutrophication of mountain lakes in East Asia due to increasing deposition of anthropogenically-produced dust. Ecological Research, 27:1041-1052. (the Ecological Research Award 2012) [press release]
•Ishida, S., H. Ohtsuki, T. Awano, N. K. Tsugeki, W. Makino, Y. Suyama, and J. Urabe. (2012) DNA extraction and amplification methods for ephippial case of Daphnia resting eggs in lake sediments: a novel approach for reconstructing zooplankton population structure from the past. Limnology, 13:261-267.
•Kazama, T., S. Ishida, S. Shimano and J. Urabe. (2012) Discrepancy between conventional morphological systematics and nuclear phylogeny of tintinids (Ciliophora: Choreotrichia). Plankton and Benthos Research, 7: 111-125. (Best Paper Award of the Plankton Society of Japan 2013)
•Iwabuchi, T. and J. Urabe. (2012) Food quality and food threshold: implications of food stoichiometry to competitive ability of herbivore plankton. Ecosphere 3:art51. http://dx.doi.org/10.1890/ES12-00098.1
•Iwabuchi, T. and J. Urabe. (2012) Competitive outcomes between herbivorous consumers can be predicted from their stoichiometric demands. Ecosphere 3:art7. [doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1890/ES11-00253.1]
•Suzuki-Ohno, Y., M. Kawata, and J. Urabe. (2012) Optimal feeding under stoichiometric constraints: A model of compensatory feeding with functional response. Oikos, 121: 569-578.
•Fujii, Masanori , Hisaya Kojima, Tomoya Iwata, Jotaro Urabe, and Manabu Fukui. (2012) Identification of environmental factors affecting bacterioplankton communities in mountain lakes of eastern Japan. Microbial Ecology, 63: 496-508.
•Makino, W., Q. Gong and J. Urabe. (2011) Stoichiometric effects of warming on herbivore growth: experimental test with plankters. Ecosphere 2:art79. [doi:10.1890/ES11-00178.1]
•Ishida, S., A. Takahashi, N. Matsushima, J. Yokoyama, W. Makino, J. Urabe, J. and M. Kawata. (2011) Latitudinal and altitudinal gradients in the morphology of two hybridizing species, Daphnia galeata and D. dentifera in mature habitats. BMC Evolutionary Biology,11:209 [doi:10.1186/1471-2148-11-209]
•Urabe, J., T. Iwata, Y. Yagami, E. Kato, T. Suzuki, S. Hino and S. Ban. (2011) Within-lake and watershed determinants of carbon dioxide in the surface water: a comparative analysis for a variety of lakes in Japanese Islands. Limnology and Oceanography, 56:49-60.
•Niquil, N., M. Kagami, J. Urabe, U. Christaki, E. Viscogliosi, and T. Sime-Ngando. (2011) Potential role of fungi in plankton food web functioning and stability: a simulation analysis based on Lake Biwa inverse model. Hydrobiologia, 659: 65-79.
•Iwata, T., J. Urabe, and M. Mitsuhashi (2010). Drainage Basin Geomorphology Influences Insectivorous Bird Abundance in Temperate Forests. Conservation Biology, 5: 1278-1289.
•Tsugeki, N. K., J. Urabe, Y. Hayami, M. Kuwae and M. Nakanishi. (2010) Phytoplankton dynamics in Lake Biwa during the 20th century: Complex responses to changes in nutrient status and climate variation. Journal of Paleolimnology, 44: 69-83.
•Urabe, J., S. Naeem, D. Raubenheimer, and J. J. Elser (2010) The evolution of biological stoichiometry under global change, Oikos,119: 737-740. [cover of the four papers produced in Woostoich II]
•Iwabuchi, T. and Urabe, J. (2010) Phosphorus acquisition and competitive abilities of two herbivorous zooplankton, Daphnia pulex and Ceriodaphnia quadrangula. Ecological Research, 25: 619-627.
•Gurung, T. B. and J. Urabe (2010) Trophic and nutrient dynamics of aquatic micriobial ecology. Ecoprint, 17:9-16 (Ecological Society , Nepal)
•Togashi, H., T. Suzuki and J. Urabe. (2010) Spatial variations in chironomid larvae and dragonfly predation in a Japanese high mountain moor. Verh. Internal. Verein. Limnol., 30(9): 1357-1362. [pdf]
•Urabe, J. and N. Waki. (2009) Mitigation of adverse effects of rising CO2 on a planktonic herbivore by mixed algal diets. Global Change Biology, 15:523-531.
•Tsugeki, N. K., S. Ishida and J. Urabe. (2009) Sedimentary records of reduction in resting egg production of Daphnia galeata in Lake Biwa during the 20th century: A possible effect of winter warming. Journal of Paleolimnology, 42: 155-165.
•Shimizu, Y. and J. Urabe. (2008) Regulation of phosphorus stoichiometry and growth rate of consumers: theoretical and experimental analyses with Daphnia. Oecologia, 155: 21-31.
•Sterner,R. W., T. Andersen, J. J. Elser, D. O. Hessen, J. M. Hood, E. McCauley, and J. Urabe (2008). Scale-dependent carbon: nitrogen: phosphorus seston stoichiometry in marine and freshwaters. Limnology and Oceanography,53: 1169-1180.
•Makino, W., K. Ito, Y. Oshima and J. Urabe.(2008) Effects of Protoceratium reticulatum yessotoxin on feeding rates of Acartia hudsonica: a bioassay using artificial particles coated with purified toxin. Harmful Algale, 7:639-645.
•Hyodo F., N. Tsugeki, J. Azuma, J. Urabe, M. Nakanishi and E. Wada. (2008) Changes in stable isotopes, lignin-derived phenols, and fossil pigments in sediments of Lake Biwa, Japan: implications for anthropogenic effects over the last 100 years. Science of the Total Environment, 403: 139-147.
•Kohyama, T., Urabe, J., Hkosaka, K., Shibata, H., Yoshoka, T., Konohira, E., Murase, J. and Wada, E. (2007) Terrestrial ecosystems in Monsoon Asia: scaling up from shoot module to watershed. In J.G. Canadell, D. E. Pataki and L. E. Pitelka (Eds), Terrestrial Ecosystems in a changing world. Springer, Berlin. pp 285-296.
•Kato, S., J. Urabe and M. Kawata. (2007) Effects of temporal and spatial heterogeneities created by consumer-driven nutrient recycling on algal diversity. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 245:367-377.
•Sekino T, Genkai-Kato M, Kawabata Z, Melnik NG, Logacheva NP, Belykh OI, Obolkina LA, Bondarenko NA, Khodzher TV, Gorbunova LA, Tanichev AI, Yoshida T, Kagami M, Gurung TB, Urabe J, Higashi M, Nakanishi M (2007) Role of phytoplankton size distribution in lake ecosystems revealed by a comparison of the whole plankton community structure between Lakes Baikal and Biwa. Limnology 8:227-232.
•Niquil, N., G. Bartoli, J. Urabe, G. A. Jackson, L. Legendre, C. Dupuy and M. Kumagai. (2006) Carbon steady-state model of the planktonic food web of Lake Biwa, Japan. Freshwater Biology, 51: 1570-1585.
•Kumagai, M. J. Urabe, C. E. Goulden, N. Soninkhishig, D. Hadbaatar, S. Tsujimura, Y. Hayam, T. Sekino, M. Maruo. (2006) Recent rise in water level at Lake Hovsgol in Mongolia. In C. E. Goulden, T. Stinikova, J. Gelbaus and B. Boldgive (eds), The Geology, Biodiversity and Ecology of Lake Hovsgol (Mongolia), pp77-92. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden.
•Hayami, Y., M. Kumagai, M. Maruo, T. Sekino, S. Tsujimura and J. Urabe (2006) Review of some physical processes in Lake Hovsgol. In C. E. Goulden, T. Stinikova, J. Gelbaus and B. Boldgive (eds), The Geology, Biodiversity and Ecology of Lake Hovsgol (Mongolia) pp115-124. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden..
•Urabe, J., T. Sekino, Y. Hayami, M. Maruo, S. Tsujimura, M. Kumagai, B. Boldgiv, C. E. Goulden.(2006) Some biological and chemical characteristics of Lake Hovsgol. In C. E. Goulden, T. Stinikova, J. Gelbaus and B. Boldgive (eds), The Geology, Biodiversity and Ecology of Lake Hovsgol (Mongolia) pp387-402. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden.
•Kagami, M.,Yoshida T., T. B. Gurung and Urabe J. (2006) To sink or to be lysed? Contrasting fate of two large phytoplankton species in Lake Biwa. Limnology and Oceanography, 51: 2775-2786.
•Anderson, T.R., D. O. Hessen, J. J. Elser, J. Urabe. (2005) Metabolic Stoichiometry and the fate of excess carbon and nutrients in consumers. The American. Naturalist, 165:1-15.
•Urabe J., T. Yoshida, T. B. Gurung, T. Sekino, N. Ts ugek i, K. No zaki, M. Maruo, E. Nakayama, M. Nakanishi. (2005) The production-to-respiration ratio and its implication in Lake Biwa, Japan. Ecological Research, 20: 367-375.[2005b_JU.pdf]
•Weider, L. J., W. Makino, K. Acharya, K. L. Glenn, M. Kyle, J. Urabe, J . J. Elser (2005) Genotype x environment interactions, stoichiometric food quality effects, and clonal coexistence in Daphnia pulex. Oecologia, 143:537-547.
•Ishikawa, T. and J. Urabe (2005) Ontogenetic changes in vertical distribution of an endemic amphipod, Jesogammarus annandalei, in Lake Biwa, Japan. Arch. Hydrobiol.164:465-478.
•Ishikawa, T., T. Narita and J. Urabe. (2004) Long-term changes in the abundance of Jesogammarus annandalei (Tattersall) in Lake Biwa. Limnol. Oceanogr., 49: 1840-1847.
•Urabe, J., S. Ishida, M. Nishmoto and L. J. Weider. (2003) Daphnia pulicaria; a zooplankton species that suddenly appeared in 1999 in the offshore zone of Lake Biwa. Limnology, 4: 35-41. [pdf]
•Elser, J., M. Kyle, W. Makino, T. Yoshida and J. Urabe. (2003) Bacterial and algal resource limitation and the microbial food web: A test of the light:nutrient hypothesis. Aquat. Microbial Ecol. 31: 49-65. [pdf]
•Urabe, J., J. Togari and J. J. Elser (2003) Stoichiometric impacts of increased carbon dioxide on a planktonic herbivore. Global Change Biology, 9:818-825.
•Nakanishi, O., Y. Ishida, S. Hirao, S. Tsuge, H. Ohtani, J. Urabe, T. Sekino, M. Nakanishi and T. Kimoto (2003) Highly sensitive determination of lipid components including polyunsaturated fatty acids in individual zooplankters by one-step thermally assisted hydrolysis and methylation-gas chromatography in the presence of trimethylsulfonium hydroxide. J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis, 68/69: 187-195.
•Ishida, Y., O. Nakanishi, S. Hirano, S. Tsuge, J. Urabe, T. Sekino, M. Nakanishi, T. Kimoto and H. Ohtani (2003) Direct analysis of lipids in single zooplankter individuals by matrix-assisted laser desroption/ionization mass spectrometry. Anal. Chem., 75: 4514-4518.
•Tsugeki, N., H. Oda and J. Urabe.(2003) Fluctuation of the zooplankton community in Lake Biwa during the 20th century: a paleolimnological analysis. Limnology, 4: 101-107. [pdf] (Yoshimura award, the Japanese Society of Limnology)
•Tsujimura, S., M. Kumagai, J. Urabe, T. Sekino, Y. Hayami, & M. Maruo. (2003) Effect of temperature and light on growth of planktonic green algae isolated from Lake Hovsgol, Mongolia. Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. Algological Studies. 110: 81-89.
•Yoshida, T., J. Urabe and J. J. Elser. (2003) An emprical assessment of top-down and bottom-up forces on rotifers in lakes at the experimental Lakes Area, Ontario, Canda. Ecological Research, 18: 639-650. [pdf] (the Ecological Research Award 2004)
•Urabe, J., M. Kyle, W. Makino, T. Yoshida, T. Andersen, and J. J. Eser (2002). Reduced light increases herbivore production due to stoichiometric effets of light: nutrient balance. Ecology, 83: 619-627 [pdf]
•Makino, W., J. Urabe, J. J. Elser, and C. Yoshimizu. (2002) Evidence of phosphorus-limited individual and population growth of Daphnia in a Canadian Shield lake. Oikos, 96: 197-205. [pdf]
•Urabe, J., J. J. Elser, M. Kyle, T. Sekino and Z. Kawabata (2002) Herbivorous animals can mitigate unfavorable ratios of energy and material supplies by enhancing nutrient cycling. Ecology Letters, 5:177-185. [pdf]
•Gurung, T. K., J. Urabe, K. Nozaki, C. Yoshimizu and M. Nakanishi. (2002) Bacterioplankton production in a water column of Lake Biwa. Lakes and Reservoirs, 7:317-323.[pdf]
•Yoshimizu, C. and J. Urabe (2002) Roles of Daphnia in decomposition of organic matters in the surface layer of Lake Biwa. Lakes and Reservoirs, 7:325-330. [pdf]
•Ishikawa, T. and J. Urabe (2002) Population dynamics and production of Jesogammarus annandalei, an endemic amphipod, in Lake Biwa, Japan. Freshwater Biology, 47: 1935-1943. [pdf]
•Floeder, S., J. Urabe and Z. Kawabata. (2002) The influence of fluctuating light intensities on species composition and diversity of natural phytoplankton communities from Lake Biwa. Oecologia, 133:395-401. [pdf]
•Kagami, M., T. Yoshida, T. K. Gurung and J. Urabe. (2002) Direct and indirect effects of zooplankton on algal composition in situ grazing experiments. Oecologia, 133: 356-363. pdf]
•Elser, J. J., P. Frost, M. M. Kyle, J. Urabe and T. Andersen. (2002) Effects of light and nutrients on plankton stoichiometry and biomass in a P-limited lake. Hydrobiologia, 481: 101-102. [pdf]
•Urabe, J., W. Makino, K. Hayakawa and J. J. Elser. (2002) Food quality determinants for Daphnia growth in P-limited lakes. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol., 28:1089-1094. [.pdf]
•Kagami, M. and J. Urabe. (2002) Mortality of the planktonic desmid, Staurastrum dorsidentiferum, due to interplay of fungal parasitism and low light conditions. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol., 28:1001-1005. [.pdf]
•Yoshimizu, C., J. Urabe, S. Sugiyama, M. Maruo, E. Nakayama and M. Nakanishi. (2002) Carbon and phosphorus budgets in the pelagic area of Lake Biwa, the largest lake in Japan. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol., 24: 1409-1414. [pdf]
•Elser, J., K. Hayakawa, and J. Urabe (2001). Nutrient limitation reduces food quality for zooplankton in nature: responses of Daphnia growth to short-term amendment of phosphorus under field conditions. Ecology, 82:898-903. [pdf]
•Gurung. T. B., M. Kagami, T. Yoshida, and J. Urabe (2001). Relative importance among biotic and abiotic factors affecting bacterial abundance in Lake Biwa: an empirical analysis. Limnology, 2:19-28. [pdf]
•Urabe, J., and R. W. Sterner (2001). Contrasting effects of different type of resource depletion on life history traits in Daphnia. Functional Ecology, 15:165-174. [pdf]
•Yoshimizu, C., T. Yoshida, M. Nakanishi and J. Urabe (2001). Carbon sinking flux and zooplankton grazing in Lake Biwa. Limnology, 2:37-43. [pdf]
•Yoshida, T., M. Kagami, T. B. Gurung, and J. Urabe (2001). Seasonal succession of zooplankton in Lake Biwa. Aquatic Ecology, 35:19-29. [pdf]
•Kagami, M., and J. Urabe (2001). Does growth rate of phytoplankton relate with cell size?: an experimental test in Lake Biwa. Limnology, 2: 111-117. [pdf]
•Elser, J. J., L. Gudex, M. Kyle, T. Ishikawa and J. Urabe (2001). Effects of zooplankton on nutrient availability and seston C:N:P stoichoimetry in inshore water of Lake Biwa, Japan. Limnology, 2: 91 -100. [pdf]
•Yoshida, T., T. B. Gurung, M. Kagami and J. Urabe. (2001). Contrasting effects of a cladoceran (Daphnia galeata) and a clanoid copepods (Eodiaptomus japonicus) on algal and microbial plankton in a Japanese Lake, Lake Biwa. Oecologia, 129:602-610. [pdf]
- 2000
•Urabe, J., T. G. Gurung, T. Yoshida, M. Nakanishi, M. Maruo, and A. Nakayama (2000). Diel changes in phagotrophic rate of Cryptomonas sp. In Lake Biwa. Limnol. Oceanogr, 45: 1558-1563. [pdf]
•Gurung, T. B., M. Nakanishi and J. Urabe (2000). Seasonal and vertical difference in negative and positive effects of grazers on heterotrophic bacteria in Lake Biwa. Limnol. Oceanogr., 45:1689-1696. [pdf]
•Urabe, J. et. al. (1999). Light, nutrients and primary productivity in Lake Biwa: an Evaluation of the current ecosystem situation. Ecological Research, 14: 233-242.[pdf]
•Urabe, J., T. B. Gurung and T. Yoshida. (1999) Effects of phosphorus supply on phagotrophy by the mixotrophic alga Uroglena americana (Chrysophyceae). Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 18: 77-83.[pdf]
•Gurung, T. B., and Urabe, J. (1999) Temporal and Vertical difference in factors limiting growth rate of heterotrophic bacteria in Lake Biwa. Microbial Ecology, 38: 136-145.[pdf]
•Gurung, T. B., Urabe, J., and Nakanishi, M. (1999) Regulation of the relationship between phytoplankton Scenedesmus acutus and heterotrophic bacteria by the balance of light and nutrients. Aquat. Microbial Ecol., 17: 27-35. [pdf]
•Elser, J., and Urabe, J. (1999). The stoichiometry of consumer-driven nutrient recycling: theory, observation, and consequences. Ecology, 80: 735-751.
•Kawabata, K. and Urabe, J. (1998) Length-weight relationships of eight freshwater planktonic crustacean species in Japan. Freshwater Biology, 39: 199-20. [pdf]
•Urabe, J., J. Clasen, and R. W. Sterner (1997) Phosphorus limitation of Daphnia growth: is it real? Limnol.Oceanogr., 42: 4136-1443. [pdf]
•Urabe, J., and R. W. Sterner (1996) Regulation of herbivore growth by the balance of light and nutrients. Proc. Natal. Acad. Sci. USA, 93: 8465-8469. [pdf]
•Urabe, J., K. Kawabata, M. Nakanishi and K. Shimizu (1996) Grazing and food size selection of zooplankton community in Lake Biwa during BITEX ’93. Jpn. J. Limnol., 57: 27-37. [pdf]
•Nagata, T. Takai, K., Kawabata, K., Nakanishi, M., and Urabe, J. (1996). The trophic transfer via a picoplankton-flagellate-copepod food chain during a picocyanobacterial bloom in Lake Biwa. Arch. Hydrobiol., 137:145-160. [pdf]
•Kawabata, K. and Urabe, J. (1996) Population dynamics of planktonic crustacea studied during BITEX93. Jpn. J. Limnol., 57, 545-552. [pdf]
•Kawabata, K. and Urabe, J (1996) Spatial and Temporal changes in zooplankton biomass. Lake Biwa Study Monographs, Special Issue,147-151. [pdf]
•Urabe, J. (1995) Direct and indirect effects of zooplankton on seston stoichiometry. Ecoscience, 2: 286-296. [1995b.pdf]
•Urabe, J., M. Nakanishi and K. Kawabata (1995) Contribution of metazoan plankton to the cycling of N and P in Lake Biwa. Limnol. Oceanogr., 40: 232-242. [pdf]
•Urabe, J. (1994). Effect of a zooplankton community on seston elimination in a restored pond in Japan. Restoration Ecology, 2: 61-70. [pdf]
•Urabe, J. (1993) Seston stoichiometry and nutrient deficiency in a shallow eutrophic pond. Arch. Hydrobiol.,126: 417-428. [pdf]
•Urabe, J. (1993) N and P cycling coupled by grazers’ activities: food quality and nutrient release by zooplankton. Ecology, 74: 2337-2350. [pdf]
•Urabe, J. (1993) Implication of sestonic elemental ratio in zooplankton ecology: reply to the comment by Brett. Limnol. Oceanogr., 38: 1337-1340. [pdf]
•Urabe, J. and Y. Watanabe (1992) Possibility of N- or P-limitation for planktonic cladocerans: an experimental test. Limnol. Oceanogr., 37: 244-251.[pdf]
•Urabe, J. (1992) Midsummer succession of rotifer plankton in a shallow eutrophic pond. J. plankton Res., 14:851-866.[pdf]
•Urabe, J. (1991) Effect of food concentration on growth, reproduction and survivorship of Bosmina longirostris (cladocera): and experimental study. Freshwater Biol., 25: 1-8.[pdf]
•Urabe, J. and Y. Watanabe (1991) Effect of food conditions on the bacterial feeding of Daphnia galeata. Hydrobiologia, 225: 121-128. [pdf]
•Urabe, J. and Y. Watanabe (1991) Effect of food concentration on the assimilation and production efficiencies of Daphnia galeata G. O. Sars (crustacea: cladocera). Functional Ecology., 5: 635-641.[pdf]
•Urabe, J. (1991) Effect of food concentration on the carbon balance of Bosmina longirostris (crustacea: cladocera). Freshwater Biol., 26: 57-68.[pdf]
•Urabe, J. and Y. Watanabe (1990) Influence of food density on respiration rate of two crustacean plankters, Daphnia galeata and Bosmina longirostris. Oecologia, 82: 362-368.[pdf]
•Urabe, J. and Y. Watanabe (1990) Difference in the bacterial utilization ability of four cladoceran plankton (crustacea:cladocera). Nat. Hist. Res., 1: 85-92. [pdf]
•Urabe, J. (1990) Stable horizontal variation in the zooplankton community structure of a reservoir maintained by predation and competition. Limnol. Oceanogr., 35: 1703-1717.[ ]
•Urabe, J. (1989) Relative importance of temporal and spatial heterogeneity in the zooplankton community of an artificial reservoir. Hydrobiologia, 184: 1-6. [pdf]
•Urabe, J. (1988) Effect of food conditions on the net production of Daphnia galeata : separate assessment of growth and reproduction. Bull. Plankton Soc. Jpn., 35: 159-174.[pdf]
•Urabe, J. and M. Murano (1986) Seasonal and horizontal variations in the zooplankton community of Ogochi Reservoir, Tokyo. Bull. Plankton Soc. Jpn., 33: 101-112.[pdf]
•Urabe, J. and T. Maruyama (1986) Prey selectivity of two cyprinid fishes in Ogochi Reservoir. Bull. Jpn. Soc. Sci. Fish., 52: 2045-2054. [pdf]
Ph. D. Thesis
Demographical analysis on the life history traits of Daphnia galeata Sars in an artificial reservoir. 74pp. with 16 table and 34 figures. Tokyo Metropolitan University (1988).